Alba Fletcher Talks

Presente de Indicativo

Learn the present in Spanish fast but in a natural and fun way.

Present tense- regular verbs

In this video, I will be explaining the present tense starting from the basics, and its endings.

 First, I cover the fundamental rules of Spanish, how verbs function, and the Spanish personal pronouns.

Next, we go over how to conjugate verbs in the present tense, practice with exercises, and finish by learning how to form common phrases in Spanish you’ll use in daily life.

Purchase the document to access all the rules and detailed grammar explanations.

It includes guidance on constructing sentences, dialogue examples, and present tense listenings and comprehension exercises to enhance your learning.

Presente-Verbos Irregulares

In this video, I explain the Spanish present tense starting from the basics, how to create and use the irregular verbs.

We go over how to conjugate irregular verbs in the present tense, practice with exercises, and finish by learning how to form common phrases in Spanish you’ll use in daily life.

Purchase the document to access all the rules and detailed grammar explanations.

It includes guidance on constructing sentences, dialogue examples, and present tense listening and comprehension exercises to enhance your learning.

Presente-Verbos Reflexivos

In this video, I explain the Spanish present and how to create and use the reflexives in Spanish.

We go over how to conjugate the reflexive verbs in the present tense, practice with exercises, and finish by learning how to form common phrases you’ll use in daily life.

Purchase the document to access all the rules and detailed grammar explanations.

It includes guidance on constructing sentences, dialogue examples, and listening and comprehension exercises to enhance your learning.

Presente- Ejemplo de rutina

In this video, I show you my rutine and examples of how to use the present tense to express what you do every day. Take note of all the verbs that I use and how I use them so you learn how to talk to someone in spanish fast  😃

Present Tense Revision
Playing "Who am I?"

In this video we are going to play "Who Am I" describing three famous people, their routine and things that they like.
We will revise the present and all the vocabulary learned so far in all my previous videos.

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