Alba Fletcher Talks

Intermediate Level

Material to improve Spanish and take your Spanish to another level.

Spanish Slang

Shorts videos where we will revise Spanish slang, and how Spanish people actually talk ✨

Why Do Spaniards Say ‘Vale’ All the Time? 🤔

In this video, I’ll explain the real meaning of ‘vale,’ how to use it naturally, and what NOT to say

Why do Spaniards say “tío” and “tía” all the time? 🤔

In this short video, I’ll explain how and when to use "tío" and "tía" so you can sound more natural when speaking Spanish!

Common mistakes in Spanish

Short videos where I give you the explanation of the most common mistakes in Spanish
as-well as examples of how to use them correctly

🔴 Don’t Say “Para Yo” or "Para nos" in Spanish!

In this video, I explain the correct use of “Para Mí” y “Para Nosotros” and how to sound more natural in Spanish

"Hace calor" or "Está caliente"?

This is a common mistake in Spanish that clearly shows you're not a native speaker. let's learn how to differentiate them

How to differentiate “Vez” or “Tiempo”?

In this video, explain the difference between "vez" and "tiempo" with real-life examples to help you speak Spanish confidently!

Me Gusta, me gustan or Me Gusto: Stop Confusing Them!

Many Spanish learners struggle with these phrases, but after watching this video, you’ll never mix them up again

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